The importance of knowing each book of the Bible becomes obvious when we realize that God has given us each of the books so that we can know God. As we grow in our knowledge of Him, we will grow spiritually. Consequently, studying the books of the Bible is the ultimate way to discover Him (Jeremiah 9:23-24). Doctrinal studies are important, but one's doctrine must always align with the truth found in the Bible. Also, you may be interested in a chart of The Kings and Prophets of Israel. May the Lord bless your study.

Old Testament Studies - Verse-by-Verse

Book of Genesis - The book of Genesis is about beginnings, including the creation of the world. Genesis 1-11 helps us understand the rest of the Bible.

Book of Numbers - The book of Numbers focuses on the second and fortieth years of Israel's wandering in the wilderness, including the twelve spies, Moses' sin, the bronze serpent and the death of Miriam and Aaron. The book contains a census of the warriors of Israel and all of Israel. Various laws and offerings are explained.

Book of Ruth - Ruth gives us important insights into how the will of God works in our lives. This is a love story about a Moabite woman called Ruth and Jewish man called Boaz. You will discover that God arranged arranged circumstances in order continue the messianic line to Jesus Christ. Ruth appears the genealogy in Matthew 1.

Book of Esther - Esther is about God's sovereignty. God works so that a young Jewish woman becomes the queen of King Ahasuerus or Xerxes I. She becomes the queen five years before she is needed. The book describes a mortal conflict between Haman, the enemy of the Jews, and a jew called Mordecai. Esther saves the life of Mordecai and her Jewish people.

Book of Psalms - The theme of Psalm is the reality of life on earth. The reader will discover that the book is divided into five sections each of which is written by a variety of authors. The book covers a wide range of prayers, praises, confessions and adorations of God. It contains prophecies about Jesus Christ.

Book of Proverbs - The purpose of Proverbs is "To know wisdom and instruction . . . to receive instruction in wise behavior, righteousness, justice and equity; to give prudence to the naive, to the youth knowledge and discretion, a wise man will hear and increase in learning, a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel."

Book of Ecclesiastes - This book reveals what life is like "under the sun." Solomon presents his quest for the meaning in life while he was away from God. This wealthy man did anything that he desired and found life to be empty. There is more to life than the stuff of this world, there is God.

Book of Jeremiah - The prophet Jeremiah was called the weeping prophet (Jer. 9:1). He warned the southern kingdom called Judah that judgment was coming. He also promises a glorious future for Israel. The prophet was rejected by his own people much.

Book of Ezekiel - The glory of the Lord is the theme of Ezekiel. The book contains prophecies about the Babylonian army's invasion of Israel in 588-586 B.C., the future prophecies of the Valley of Dry Bones, the battle of Gog and Magog, and the millennial kingdom.

Book of Daniel - Daniel gives us an incredible prophecy of world history from 538 B.C. into eternity. It contains hundreds of detailed prophecies. Daniel 9:24-27 describes the date of Christ's death. Daniel was written before all of the major prophecies occurred.

Book of Hosea - The book of Hosea is a picture of God's love. The opening chapters start with an illustration of Hosea and his wife Gomer who eventually becomes an unfaithful wife - a prostitute. Yet, Hosea continues to love her. The illustration is used to show that God's love for Israel never fails.

Book of Joel - The book of Joel reveals God's character - His holiness, love, patience and mercy. God is the ultimate adult who calls men and women to repent and be holy. Joel is about a past Day of the Lord and a future Day of the Lord — an eschatological Day of the Lord.

Book of Amos - The prophetic warnings in the book of Amos are given to the nation of Israel. These warnings could have been given against the United States of America in the twenty-first century. The nation is rebuked for the absence of true worship, lack of justice, idolatry, luxury, and total indifference to God.

Book of Obadiah - Each of the Minor Prophets has a unique theme and purpose. Obadiah is a prophecy that announces a future judgement upon the nation of Edom because of their horrible behavior and hatred of Israel. The prophecy is about a future judgment.

Book of Jonah - Jesus boldly declared that Jonah existed and was once inside a large sea animal for three days and three nights. The prophecy of Jonah is about a prophet who did not want to obey God. As a result, God chased him down and made him serve Him. The book gives us wonderful insights into the character of God.

Book of Micah - The prophet Micah describes a court trial in which God is the accuser, the nation of Israel is the accused and the mountains and the earth are the jury. Israel is guilty of sin and the Assyrian empire  is coming to defeat them. The trial shows that Israel is guilty.

Book of Nahum - The prophet Nahum prophesied the future destruction of the city of Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian empire. The prophesy occurred about 100 years after Jonah preached in the same city.

Book of Habakkuk - This incredible prophecy answers two questions that many struggle with. The first question is, "Why doesn't God remove evil?" and some ask, "Why doesn't God bring a revival?" The second question is, "Why does God use the more wicked to punish the less wicked?" The last chapter reveals how we should deal with trials in our lives.

Book of Zephaniah - The book of Zephaniah describes near fulfillments of the day of the Lord against Judah, its capital city of Jerusalem, and surrounding nations. The book concludes by describing the millennial kingdom.

Book of Haggai - God rebuked the remnant who returned from captivity in Babylon because they were not rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. In this study we discover that God withheld blessing from Israel because they were self-centered and ignored God. We also learn more about the future messianic kingdom. God shared this information to motivate them to build the temple.

Book of Zechariah - This is an amazing prophecy. The prophet Zechariah is given a series of prophecies about Jesus Christ from chapter one through chapter twelve. The first six chapters contain eight visions. The first three prophecies are a telescope into the future. Then Zechariah 6:9-11:17 is a summary of Israel's future. Finally, chapters 9-14 are about Christ's first and second coming. These chapters speak of His rejection and death, Armageddon, Christ's second coming and the millennial kingdom.

Book of Malachi - The book of Malachi is like a barometer that reveals the quality of our relationship with God. In this book the people ask God questions and God asks them questions and answers are given to the questions. This is a very unusual prophecy.

New Testament - Verse-by-Verse

Sermon on the Mount Studies - Picture yourself seated on a hillside with Jesus' disciples and a crowd maybe numbering in the thousands looking up the slope to Jesus. Then this incredible speaker, like no one you have heard, starts to speak and you hear the Sermon on the Mount.

Book of Matthew - Matthew presents Jesus as Messiah, as the king, and the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Matthew includes three well known and loved sermons: Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, the Kingdom parables, and the Olivet discourse.

Book of Mark - The gospel of Mark presents Jesus as the servant-savior, the bond-slave, who is greater than everyone. Great emphasis is given to the final week of Jesus’ life. It is the shortest of the four gospels.

Book of Luke - Luke presents Jesus as a man. It gives the history of Jesus’ life in chronological order from Jesus' birth to His return to heaven. It was written to Theophilus so that he would know the truth about Jesus.

Book of John - John describes a series of seven key signs that reveal Jesus is God.  It teaches that Jesus has always been God, who took on flesh and blood in order to die for our sins. It ends with His death and resurrection. Jesus died for the sin of the world.

Book of Acts - In this book you will discover how the early church developed. You will read about the Day of Pentecost, that salvation is for Jew and Gentile, the conversion of the apostle Paul and accounts of his three missionary journeys. You will see God at work.

Book of Romans - John 3:16 gives us a very short description of the gospel and 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 gives us a longer description, but the book of Romans explains the gospel in detail. Here we learn that men and women are sinners, Jesus redeemed us, He is our propitiation, Christians are freed from sin and the law and much, much more. Romans is a must read and know book.

Book of Ephesians - The church or the body of Jesus Christ is not a building. It is people whom God has placed into His family (Eph. 1:5-7). Chapters 1-3 are about the doctrine of the church and chapters 4-6 are wonderful application. You will discover how to live the Christian life.

Book of Philippians - The book of Philippians is one of joy as the apostle Paul expresses his joy over the Christians in Philippi. In this uplifting book you will learn why Paul was happy even though he was in prison and chained to Roman soldiers. He writes, "For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain." This is a rich book.

Book of 1 Thessalonians - The apostle Paul teaches about the second coming of Christ in every chapter and the rapture in chapter 4. He teaches the Day of the Lord in chapter 5. Throughout them all, the apostle encourages believers to correct living in view of the coming of. Christ.

Book of 2 Thessalonians - The apostle Paul corrects false teaching about God's plan for the future. As a result, he comforts the believers in Thessalonica. He teaches them about the rapture, Day of the Lord, antichrist, restrainer, and the second coming of Christ. He urges them to not be idle.

Book of 1 Timothy - 1 Timothy gives us instructions about a biblical church: organization,  leaders, role of women, worship, teaching, false teachers, care for widows, and more.

Book of Philemon - The book of Philemon is a wonderful example about forgiveness. You will learn what spiritual characteristics must exist for a person to be able to truly forgive. You will also learn the biblical steps to forgiveness.

Book of Hebrews - This is an elegant and rich picture of Jesus. Here you will discover what it means that Jesus is our High Priest. You will see Him as God, man, and a loving high priest. This study will help you grow in your faith as you discover that Jesus is your Great High Priest.

Book of James - Have you ever wondered if you are really a Christian? Which of your attitudes and behaviors prove that you are a Christian? For what evidence would you look? This book describes the behavior of real faith. That is, real faith that works.

Book of 1 Peter - Those who have trusted in God have suffered since Abel was murdered by Cain. The theme of 1 Peter is how to live godly before our God while suffering in this wicked world. This study will encourage every Christians as  they experience suffering in this hostile world.

Book of 2 Peter - This book is the final farewell of the apostle Peter and it is written to Christians while he was in prison in Rome (about A.D. 67-68). In this book he warns believers about false teachers who were denying the second coming of Christ. He tells us how to identify false teachers. He also  discusses the second coming of Christ, the destruction of the world and eternity.

Book of 1 John - The apostle John says that the purpose of 1 John was written so that those, ". . . believe in the name of the Son of God . . . may know that you have eternal life." There are four cycles of doctrine and behavior tests. This is the book to read for anyone who wants to know if they are a Christian.

Book of 2 John - The epistle of 2 John was written by the apostle John. Since the most effective false teacher are very charismatic the apostle teaches us how to deal with false teachers. He will tell us how to identify them and then how to respond.

Book of 3 John - The epistle of 3 John was written by the apostle of John. It is about three men. Diotrephes was a dictator in the church and the apostles teaches us how to deal with such a leader. In shape contrast Gaius and Demetrius are examples of spiritual, godly men whom we are to model.

Book of Jude - The purpose of the book of Jude is to warn and urge Christians to contend for the faith. This is essential because the teachings of Jesus Christ, the prophets and apostles are being attacked. Jude explains the dangers and how we should respond.

Book of Revelation - This is the only book in the Bible with the promise of a blessing to those who read, hear, and pay attention to it. Here you will discover the future events that will occur at the end of time and the eternal destiny of everyone.